BT Speak Cloud Drive Help
BT Speak allows you to upload your files and documents to Google Drive cloud storage. Once uploaded, the files can be downloaded or deleted from the Google Drive utility on BT Speak. The functions require you to first login with your Google credentials and give permission to manage your Google Drive data from BT Speak (see Google Drive Authentication below).
Note that only files uploaded from your BT Speak can be managed from the Google Drive utility. In other words, files must be uploaded to Google Drive via the 'Save File to Google Drive' option in the File Manager before they can be downloaded or deleted from the Google Drive utility in the Options Menu.
Saving (Uploading) Files to Google Drive: Files on BT Speak can be saved to your Google Drive through the File Manager menu. To get there, from the Welcome Screen, enter the Options Menu (O-chord), then select File Manager (shortcut is M). To save a file to Google Drive, select "Save File to Google Drive" (shortcut is M) from the File Manager Menu. BT Speak will say "File name?" Type the name of the file you would like to upload to Google Drive and press enter (dot 8). If successful, BT Speak will announce that the file has been saved to your Google Drive. File transfers may be unsuccessful if the file type is unsupported, the file is corrupted, or there was a disruption in WiFi service.
The Google Drive Utility, accessible from the Options Menu, allows you to view and manage files that have been uploaded to Google Drive via BT Speak. Its main menu options are: view files and search files.
View Files (shortcut is v): Selecting this feature will login to your Google account and display a list of files that have been uploaded to your Google Drive. Navigate the list with dot 1 or 4 chord and select a file with the enter key (dot 8) to open another menu with two options: download the file or delete the file. Press enter to select the desired option. If successful, BT Speak will announce the operation was performed. If the operation was unsuccessful, BT Speak will announce that the file could not be downloaded or deleted. This may occur if the file type is unsupported, the file is corrupted, or there was a disruption in WiFi service.
Search Files (shortcut is s): This feature allows you to search by keyword occurring in a file name in your Google Drive. After selecting this option with enter (dot 8), BT Speak will say "Name?". Type the keyword to search matching the files you want to find and press enter. BT Speak will display a list of files matching your search input. Select a file to download or delete using the same operation as with the View Files option (see View Files above).
Authenticating Google Drive:
You will be prompted to authenticate your Google account the first time using any of BT Speak's Google Drive Utility features and occassionally thereafter if Google requires you to refresh your authentication or your login has changed.
The following describes the procedure for authenticating and linking your Google Drive account to BT Speak.
1) From the Options Menu select Google Drive, and then select View Files.
2) A message will display "You will now be directed to Desktop Mode for Google login. Press enter and wait a few moments for Chromium web browser to load." Press enter and wait approximately 2 minutes for Desktop mode to load. Chromium browser will automatically open to the Google sing-in page for BTSpeak-Google-Drive and instruct you to sign in. Use tab to select the google account you would like to authenticate.
3) Enter your google login credentials as needed. Follow instructions on the proceeding pages to grant permission to link your Google account to BT Speak-Drive. Grant permission by tabbing to and selecting the Continue button on the page.
4) If authentication is successful, BT Speak will say "Authentication completed. Returning to application". You will automatically be redirected back to Traditional Mode. Press enter.
7) The Google Drive utility is now authenticated and ready to use. After returning to Traditional Mode, the Google Drive utility will proceed to display your file listing (see View Files above).